Hilfsprojekte für jesidische Geflüchtete im Irak

Hilfsprojekte für jesidische Geflüchtete im Irak

This year, for the first time since 2019, I had the opportunity to travel to Iraqi Kurdistan again – a region I have visited many times before and that has become very dear to me. During my two stays in April and November, I carried out several small aid projects together with some friends.

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Call it Corona | Der Bildband zur Corona-Pandemie

Call it Corona | Der Bildband zur Corona-Pandemie

“Call it Corona” heißt das Buchprojekt in dem sich über 50 Fotografinnen und Fotografen aus ganz Deutschland zusammengefunden haben, um in einem gemeinsamen Bildband ein faszinierendes Zeitdokument über die Corona-Pandemie in unserem Land zu schaffen.
Ich freue mich, dass ich Teil dieses tollen Projektes geworden bin und die folgenden beiden Fotos aus meinem Corona Fotoblog für das Buch beisteuern konnte.

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Evacuation of migrants from Lampedusa

Emergency evacuation of migrants from Lampedusa

A staggering total of 7018 migrants and refugees arrived in Lampedusa last week. Most of them are Sub-Saharan migrants who departed from Tunisia, where the current political situation leaves them with almost no other choice but to flee the country.

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Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue

„Green rubber boat. 40 people on board, no life-saving equipment!“

During one of my recent monitoring flights onboard the aircraft “Seabird” operated by the search and rescue organization Sea-Watch.org in cooperation with the Humanitarian Pilots Initiative, we spotted a migrant boat in distress in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. We immediately informed all relevant authorities and sent out a mayday relay.

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Reporting from Lampedusa

Reporting from Lampedusa

Dear friends and followers, I am currently in Lampedusa where I have spent a lot of time in the past two years working on a new documentary project about one of the deadliest migration routes in the world: The crossing of the central Mediterranean Sea from Africa to Europe.

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SEABIRD – The Civil Eye is a documentary film about the work of the search and rescue NGO Sea-Watch e.V. in the Mediterranean Sea. By coordinating rescue operations from the air, the NGO’s airborne department not only complements the civil sea rescue, but also documents human rights violations at sea by the so-called Libyan Coast Guard.

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Iraq Lecture in Lucerne

Iraq-Kurdistan Lecture at IMAX Theater in Lucerne

The time has come! After having to cancel all events initially due to COVID-19, my documentary tour with Explora has finally started in Switzerland. I would be absolutely delighted to welcome you there. Here are the dates.

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Refugee Camp Faladié in Mali

Refugee Camp Faladié in Mali

The Refugee Camp Faladié in the Malian capital, Bamako, is a place of terror. Over 3000 people live here, fleeing from violence and horror, in a garbage dump cramped between the animals of a livestock market. New families from the center and north of Mali arrive daily. The situation is precarious. There is a dire lack of everything, as the government does not officially recognize the refugees. Therefore, the people are entirely dependent on themselves and the generosity of others.

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Corona PortraitsCorona Portraits

Fiona und Amelie

Seit Ende April herrscht in Deutschland Maskenpflicht. Beim Einkaufen, in Bus und Bahn und im öffentlichen Raum haben sich Begegnungen mit den Mitmenschen seither völlig verändert. Das Lächeln, der mürrische Blick, der kleine Flirt – das alles verschwindet unter der Maske. Fragt ihr Euch seither auch immer, wie die Menschen unter ihrer Corona-Maske aussehen? Ich war in der Stadt unterwegs und habe einen Blick unter die Haube geworfen. Hier seht ihr die schönsten Corona Portraits mit und ohne Maske. Um die Gesichter zu sehen, einfach den weißen Strich im Bild hin- und herschieben:

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Dear friends and supporters, I am very happy to announce that I have partnered with Amnesty International Germany to show my live photo documentary “Idomeni – between hope and despair” in different cities around Germany in the coming weeks and months. For over two years I have been regularly volunteering and documenting the situation for refugees in Europe and in the Middle East. I feel very lucky to share my experiences with the public now in this unique way. Here you can find an overview and first dates. More will be added soon:

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One year ago Idomeni – one of the largest refugee camps in Europe since WWII – was evicted by Greek police forces. A few days before the eviction, I recorded a live video-walk through the entire camp to document the living situation of more than 10.000 refugees at this point.

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Moria Camp Lesvos

Impressions from Moria refugee camp.

The refugee camp Moria on the Greek island Lesvos is an eerie place. High double wired fences. Everything is fenced off. The colour scheme is metallic. Everything inside is grey. But not just any sort of grey, it’s a sad grey. An exasperated, fading grey that only accentuates the hopelessness of those stuck there. It gives it substance. For most is the end of the road. For most, Lesvos is all they will ever know of Europe.

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Aid for Lesvos

Aid for Lesvos

The situation of the approximately 50.000 refugees that find themselves in Greece has been worsening dramatically during the winter months. The promises of big organizations, the Greek government and the EU to winterize camps and move people from tents to isobox containers and hotels has been too slow – and in most instances has only occurred at the point where conditions started to become very severe or even life-threatening.

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Fotovortrag Idomeni

With refugees.

A live photo documentary on the refugee crisis in Europe

David Lohmueller has spent several months as a volunteer in Idomeni, on the Balkan route and in different refugee camps in Greece. The freelance photographer has witnessed the lives and daily challenges refugees are facing in Europe and has captured his impressions along the way.

His live photo documentary shows the difficulties of everyday life in one of the largest refugee camps in Europe, the fears and worries the people are struggling with, but also their unfailing hope and joy they find in life despite all their hardships.

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Clothes on Wheels

Clothes on wheels for refugees in Greece.

Clothes on wheels. More than 60.000 refugees are currently stuck under terrible living conditions in military camps all over Greece. Winter is coming and people will be freezing if they don’t get proper winter clothes in time. That’s why we built a mobile truck “shop”.

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Refugee Camps in Greece

Prisoners of Europe.

Where are the refugees from Idomeni? What happened after the eviction of one of the largest refugee camps in Europe since WWII. What is the current situation in Greece?

Unfortunately the fate of 60.000 refugees that are currently stuck in military camps in Greece has completely vanished from media and public interest. In the past few months, I have spent a lot of time volunteering on the ground. I have witnessed the horrible conditions in the official and government-run camps all over the country where people were transferred to after the eviction of Idomeni and all the other informal camps. Here is the full story:

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The end of Idomeni

The end of Idomeni

Idomeni is history. One of the largest refugee camps in Europe since World War II has been evicted last week. I am still completely overwhelmed and speechless. There are no words that can describe the things we have seen and the emotions we all have experienced here during these last days of Idomeni. I will let my pictures speak instead.

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Clowns in Idomeni

Clowns in Idomeni

Different groups of clowns, acrobats and jugglers have recently come to Idomeni to bring smiles and joy to the faces of those in the midst of extreme circumstances. In our Idomeni school we have built a small stage where everyone can gather and enjoy the show. The refugee children, adults and volunteers, we all love the clowns of Idomeni. It is a real blessing to see everyone smile and laugh so heartedly. For a brief moment – while it’s not – the world seems to be at peace. Share some smiles and have a look:

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Idomeni Dancing

Idomeni Dancing

After rain comes sun. We were dancing with the #refugee kids in #Idomeni. Look at their smiles:
Idomeni Dancing. It’s the simple things :-)

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Rainstorm in Idomeni

Rain storms and strong winds at Idomeni refugeecamp

Stormy days. Refugees have faced terrible weather conditions at the Idomeni refugeecamp this week. Heavy rain storms and strong winds have destroyed many tents and peoples belongings. We were busy day and night to provide shelter for many families who had lost their homes.

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Lighten Up Idomeni

Lighten Up Idomeni

I need your help:
 There is no light in Idomeni refugee camp. It’s hard to see anything during nighttime and refugees must sit and walk in the dark. To improve their living situation, I want to supply the people in the camp with flashlights.

If you want to support my „Lighten up Idomeni“ project, please write me a short e-mail (mail@davidlohmueller.com) and tell me what you are willing to donate. With all the money collected, I will buy cheap flashlights and solar lamps and will distribute them to the refugees in Idomeni. Please share this post.

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Idomeni School

First day of school in “Idomeni Cultural Center”

We opened a school in #Idomeni. It was unbelievable. This is a huge milestone for all of us free volunteers. Many of the #refugee children and adults have never been to a school before due to war. Finally we have a bright and happy place for them to go to and learn to read and write in different languages.

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Military in Idomeni

Military in Idomeni

Jet fighters and combat helicopters flew over the Idomeni refugeecamp today. People were absolutely terrified. Little kids started to cry. Worried mothers immediately showed up to protect their children. Adults had mental breakdowns. The jet fighter’s noise was terrible, they flew very low and maneuvered right over the camp. Soldiers were walking through surrounding fields. It felt like war.

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Teargas hits refugee tents in Idomeni

Mit Tränengas auf Flüchtlingszelte

Gestern war ein schlimmer Tag in Idomeni. Wenn Menschen vollkommen aussichtslos gegen einen Grenzzaun anrennen, sind sie vor allem eines – maßlos verzweifelt. Ich erfahre das jeden Tag in vielen Gesprächen mit den Geflüchteten, die seit Februar hier in ‪#‎Idomeni‬ festsitzen, abgeschnitten von der Außenwelt, im Stich gelassen von Europa.

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Birthday party in Idomeni

Birthday party in Idomeni

So, heute möchte ich euch jemand vorstellen: Purjeen aus dem Irak, ist meine fleißigste Helferin jeden Morgen beim Bananen Verteilen. Gestern hatte sie Geburtstag. Wir haben für sie eine kleine Party organisiert. Seht mal wie sehr sie sich gefreut hat:

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