The situation of the approximately 50.000 refugees that find themselves in Greece has been worsening dramatically during the winter months. The promises of big organizations, the Greek government and the EU to winterize camps and move people from tents to isobox containers and hotels has been too slow – and in most instances has only […]
Gestern war ein schlimmer Tag in Idomeni. Wenn Menschen vollkommen aussichtslos gegen einen Grenzzaun anrennen, sind sie vor allem eines – maßlos verzweifelt. Ich erfahre das jeden Tag in vielen Gesprächen mit den Geflüchteten, die seit Februar hier in #Idomeni festsitzen, abgeschnitten von der Außenwelt, im Stich gelassen von Europa.
I need your help:
There is no light in Idomeni refugee camp. It’s hard to see anything during nighttime and refugees must sit and walk in the dark. To improve their living situation, I want to supply the people in the camp with flashlights.
If you want to support my „Lighten up Idomeni“ project, […]