#LightenUp is the name of the spontaneous fundraising campaign I set up with two other volunteers during my time in Idomeni refugee camp in Greece – the largest refugee camp in Europe since WWII. With the money raised we were able to distribute more than 2000 solar lights and flashlights throughout the camp and made sure that people no longer had to sit and walk in the dark.
Unfortunately, the living conditions for refugees and displaced people around the world are often difficult, if not dramatic. Help is needed everywhere.
With your donation, you are supporting, different initiatives that I regularly accompany, support, or personally carry out in collaboration with other volunteers, small aid organizations or small grassroots initiatives on the ground:
- Solar lights for people without light
- Emergency aid for refugees in crisis regions
- Development of self-sustaining projects
- Distribution of clothing and shoes in refugee camps
- Establishing school and education projects
- Organization of aid convoys
+++ currently: Refugee camps in Iraq – water filters, gas stoves, hygiene kits +++
+++ recently: Refugee camps in Mali – water wells, food, and medicine +++
If you want to support the ongoing donation projects, please send me a short email to mail@davidlohmueller.com or transfer your donation directly to the following account:
Pangaea Project e.V.
Purpose: LightenUp – Humanitarian Aid
IBAN: DE85694900000021899208
Every euro helps, and I personally ensure that each one goes exactly where it is needed. Thank you very much! ❤️
For anyone who wants to support me personally in my work, there are several ways to help me stay active on the ground: Support David
You will receive all news and updates about the projects through my newsletter:
Examples of previous aid projects:
Emergency aid for Kurdish refugees from Syria in northern Iraq
Partners: Lotus Flower, Zarok e.V.
LightenUp – With light comes laughter
(Greece / Iraq)
Partners: IHA – InterEuropean Human Aid Association Germany e.V., Lifting Hands International, Our Bridge e.V., Heimatstern e.V.
Emergency Aid – Provision of food, clothing, and hygiene to homeless
(Thessaloniki / Greece)
Partners: IHA – InterEuropean Human Aid Association Germany e.V., FoodKIND, The Refugees Warehouse, Soulfood Kitchen, DocMobile, and Team Bananas
The Mobile Truck Shop – Distribution of clothing in refugee camps
(Greece / Serbia)
Partners: TruckShop, Freedom of Choice, IHA – InterEuropean Human Aid Association Germany e.V., The Refugees Warehouse
School projects – building schools in refugee camps
Partners: Open Cultural Center, We are here – Community Center.
Team Bananas – We distribute bananas to refugee children
Partners: Team Bananas
Donation convoy – organizing transport for aid goods.
(Greece / Balkan Route)
Partners: Heimatstern e.V., IHA – InterEuropean Human Aid Association Germany e.V.
If you want to support the ongoing donation projects, please send me a short email to mail@davidlohmueller.com or transfer your donation to the following account:
Pangaea Project e.V.
Purpose: LightenUp – Humanitarian Aid
IBAN: DE85694900000021899208
Every euro helps, and I personally ensure that each one goes exactly where it is needed. Thank you very much!
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