First day of school in Idomeni
We opened a school in #Idomeni. It was unbelievable. This is a huge milestone for all of us free volunteers. Many of the #refugee children and adults have never been to a school before due to war. Finally we have a bright and happy place for them to go to and learn to read and write in different languages.
We cannot open the border but we can help to make Idomeni a better place for all the people who live here in great uncertainty and despair. Thanks for each and everyone involved in setting up the “Idomeni Cultural Center“. This is really awesome. #LightenUpIdomeni

The school materials are funded by donations. If you want to support us, see information at the end of this article.

Florentine, my dorm neighbor is teaching German classes and helps to organizing the school day by day.

The Idomeni Cultural Center is a tiny bright spot in a place of great uncertainty and despair. Thanks for everyone involved for setting it up. This is a milestone for volunteer work and for the refugee people in Idomeni.
If you want to support the Idomeni Cultural Center, please write me a short e-mail ( and tell me what you are willing to donate. With all the money collected, we will buy school material and continue to improve the educational and culture work in Idomeni. #LightenUpIdomeni
5 Responses to First day of school in Idomeni
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Ich bin sehr berührt von den Bildern. Danke
Vielen Dank für diesen den Tag erhellenden Bericht. So brutal und verachtenswert der Mensch sein kann, so erstaunlich ist er. Aus nichts etwas zu gestalten, ich glaube, darin besteht die wahre Gabe von uns Menschen. Ich möchte gerne etwas spenden, auch wenn ich hoffe, dass über kurz oder lang alle Camps dieser Art wieder von der Weltkarte verschwinden. Herzliche Grüße, H. Pohl
dank dir für diese tollen , lebendigen bilder .
habe nach meiner zeit zwischen röszke und idomeni im herbst sehr viele berichte über die weitere zunahme der härten gegen die fliehenden gelesen , so dass mich der positive focus deiner fotos der schuleröffnung sehr gefreut hat .
sicher auch für andere wichtig und stärkend zwischen den informationen über all die grausamkeit zu sehen , dass selbst in so ausufernd katastrophalen situationen neue lichtblicke zu organisieren möglich ist .
dank dir und allen beteiligten für jede hand ,jedes auge , jedes ohr !
I would like other school for refugees in Greece, as your, and Little houses with bathroom.
Guys this is totally awesome, you are wonderful people and are doing great thing to help our fellow brothers and sisters, and especially children, to not only survive, but to take something positive out of this pitiful situation. Thank you!!!