The first-ever Afghan Surf Championship
A year ago my friend Afridun Amu told me about his plans to found an surf association for Afghanistan and to hold the first-ever Afghan surf championships. I was instantly enthusiastic about the idea: An event that could actually help to create some completely different and most of all positive news of a country which in our media is generally only related to war and terror – that sounded great! I immediately offered my support as a photographer if the event was ever to take place. Well now, almost one year after our conversation it actually did take place and I was right in the middle of it :-) Here is the first part of my photo documentary:
من يك سال پيش از دوست ام افريدون آمو در مورد ايجاد انجمن موج سواران افغانستان شنيده بودم به اين طرح وى مشتاقانه مائل شدم. اين حادثه ميتواند موجوديت فعلى را كاملن يارى برساند و شكلى مثبت بدان دهد، دركشورى كه رسانه ها بصورت عموم تنها از جنگ،كشتا ر گذارش ميدهند اين اقدام به نطر من خيلى ها بزرگ جلوه نمود ومرا وا داشت به حيث عكاس آراين مسابقه فوران پشتيبانى نموده وشركت خودرا اعلام دارم
بايد گفت كه تقريبان بعد از گفتگو يك سال پيش ما توانستم حد اقل حق دخول در اين مسله رادارا شوم
در اين جاء يك بخشى از عكس هاى مستند من كه از برگذارى مسابقه است بوايتان پيشكش ميكنم
Have a look at part II of the photo-documentary: The Afghan surf championship | Behind the scenes.
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