Afghan Surf Championship

Behind the scenes at the first-ever Afghan Surf Championship.

A look behind the scenes at the first-ever Afghan surf championships is what you see in the second part of my photo-documentary of a wonderful time in Portugal. For WRAA, one of the main goals besides creating a platform for Afghan wave riders to share their joy in the sport of surfing was to present the beauty of Afghanistan and its people to the public by offering a wide range of workshops in Afghan traditions. It was truly an inspiring experience to participate in this unique effort of cultural exchange. Thanks to all the amazing people that have made this whole event such a warm-hearted and cheerful celebration! I am already looking forward to our next encounter. Afghan surfing rules! :-)

در بخش دوم تصاوير مستند من شما ميتوانيد مسابقه قهرمانى موج سوران افغانان را عميق تر تماشا نماييد
نيرو محركه أساسى سازمان موج سوراى افغانستان WRAA نه تنها إيجاد انجمن موج سوارى افغانان در جنب ان ن
شان دادن زيبايى ها فرهنگ افغانستان خارج از مرزميباشد مسابقه پرتگال يك تجربه در زندگى است سپاس ازهمه أنان كه اين تجربه فراموش ناشدنى را براى ما ممكن ساختند
من ازحال خرسندم كه براى مسابقه اينده امادگى خودرا إبراز ميكنم
زنده باد موج سوران افغانستان!

Afghan Surf Championship

Cheeeeese :-)

Afghan Surf Championship

Welcome to the Team House!

Afghan Surf Championship

First relax.

Afghan Surf Championship

Then stretch.

Afghan Surf Championship

The daily walk to the beach.

Afghan Surf Championship

Great setting in Ericeira.

Afghan Surf Championship

Beginners Surf course. Most participants of the first Afghan Surf Championship have never stood on a surfboard before .

Afghan Surf Championship

Dry practice.

Afghan Surf Championship

Keeping balance.

Afghan Surf Championship

Into the waves.

Afghan Surf Championship

All beginnings are difficult.

Afghan Surf Championship


Afghan Surf Championship

Surf’s up!

Afghan Surf Championship

All smiles.

Afghan Surf Championship

Paddle, paddle!

Afghan Surf Championship

A man, a beard.

Afghan Surf Championship

Neoprene laundry.

Afghan Surf Championship

Afghan joy.

Afghan Surf Championship

Workshop: Kite-making.

Afghan Surf Championship

WRAA – Wave Riders Association of Afghanistan.

Afghan Surf Championship

Cultural exchange is an integral part of the event.

Afghan Surf Championship

Kite-making is a famous afghan tradition.

Afghan Surf Championship

Arc drop.

Afghan Surf Championship

Kite workshop: The final steps..

Afghan Surf Championship


Afghan Surf Championship

Afghan kites and the ocean don’t go well together.

Afghan Surf Championship


Afghan Surf Championship

Pomegranate flavour.

Afghan Surf Championship

Couch Surfing.

Afghan Surf Championship

Yoga unit.

Afghan Surf Championship

Chess. All Afghan people play it!

Afghan Surf Championship

“Teka” – the famous Afghan card game.

Afghan Surf Championship

And of course Afghan music.

Afghan Surf Championship


Afghan Surf Championship

Week planner.

Afghan Surf Championship

Which sun-screen?

Afghan Surf Championship

Breakfast scenes.

Afghan Surf Championship

Sun protection factor 50.

Afghan Surf Championship

Good times.

Afghan Surf Championship

Group picture – outtakes.

Afghan Surf Championship

Gone shopping.

Afghan Surf Championship

Cooking course.

Afghan Surf Championship

The chefs!

Afghan Surf Championship

Afghan dancing.

Afghan Surf Championship


Afghan Surf Championship

Let’s dance..

Afghan Surf Championship

The sun sets over Ericeira

Afghan Surf Championship

Final surf.

Afghan Surf Championship

Thanks to all the amazing people I met and for the wonderful time in Portugal!

Have a look at part I of the photo-documentary: The first Afghan surf championship | Contest day.

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